Wednesday, June 20, 2012

we are (finally) here!!

After what feels like forever, we nave reached Tanzania! Carson mcneal and Brett Harrison were at the airport to meet us, and now we are struggling to stay awake till 8 pm so that we can (try) to get our bodies used to the 8 hour time difference. We will be spending two days here in mwanza before we drive up to geita where we will be for the long haul of our internship. We would really appreciate your prayers for order for us to be prepared for the rest of our trip! Love you all! Natalie (and Bryan and kelcy)

1 comment:

  1. Yay! You're safe! All of Capitol Hill say, "We miss you! And why aren't you here to lead Sea of Galilee because Miss Melia is bad at it!" Seriously. Direct quote. You know how straight forward they are!! Also, Nick Collison had a good game. So naturally, I thought of you.

    Love and miss you.
    Mel and kids of C.Hill.
